5V DC Output

5V DC Output
Percentage Amperage Wattage Wattage
(All rails combined)
10% 1.8 8.9 77.95
20% 3.59 17.74 158.11
30% 5.39 26.47 236.48
40% 7.19 35.16 314.35
50% 8.98 43.64 391.55
60% 10.78 52.18 467.94
70% 12.58 60.51 544.95
80% 14.37 68.67 620.44
90% 16.17 76.97 695.26
100% 17.97 85 769.57

The 5V rail doesn't look much different from the 3.3V rail. We can see a heavy constant drop for the duration of the test. The results are still within specifications, but it was very close at the highest loads. With a little help from the provided software, however, we could adjust this rail to get it running beautifully close to the ideal output.

3.3V DC Output 5Vsb and Standby Efficiency
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  • mostlyprudent - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Read the test methodology article.
  • neogodless - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Did you find any issues with the modular design? Obviously the efficiency was good. Could anything else have been affected by the additional connection point?
  • Christoph Katzer - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    I am in the midle of testing that with other models. I will write something which will bring light in this in matter...

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