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  • Valantar - Thursday, June 7, 2018 - link

    The Adata card looks far superior. Not only is it A10 rated, but also V30, meaning pure write loads shouldn't dip below 30 MB/s. I can't see any markings regarding that on the Team Group cards, but the PNY is V10 only. Of course, this could mean that the Adata card can sustain 31MB/s writes and the PNY one 29MB/s writes, given that there's no tier in between here, but it's still likely that the Adata one is significantly faster.

    Still, with the V30 rating, assuming minimum write speed, it'd take 4,75 hours to fill the card (minus whatever space you lose in formatting, of course). At least the read speeds are better, but copying out the contents of a card like this sounds like a nightmare. "No, I can't back up the video from today, my laptop will run out of battery before it's done."
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, June 7, 2018 - link

    It's about time! Having only 256GB of microSD storage in my phone makes it feel really cramped for space these days since the phone itself only has 8GB of internal storage and that forces me to keep almost everything on the SD. I don't really care about the speed as long as data can read fast enough for 720p playback.
  • Death666Angel - Thursday, June 7, 2018 - link

    That was a bit of a weird purchase, wasn't it. The 256GB mSD card must have cost as much as the phone. The last time I saw 8GB on a phone that wasn't a chinese brand was with the first gen Moto G.
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, June 7, 2018 - link

    Yup, the phone was around $30 when I got it last year and the microSD card was about $160. I figured the SD card could move to subsequent phones later. Then I started ripping my DVDs and downloading random videos from YouTube...ugh. 256GB would have been fine for just storing pics of my cat, the books and stuff I like to read, and all of my music. In fact, that all fits neatly inside 32GB, but the videos kind of blow that out of the water so now I'm looking forward to 512GB. At this point, I'm probably keeping my phone for another year and as I've already kinda blown the phone versus SD cost thing, I don't care anymore what the microSD card costs as long as I can double my storage space.
  • Valantar - Thursday, June 7, 2018 - link

    "Then I started ripping my DVDs and downloading random videos from YouTube"
    The former: why do you need all of them on your phone? Do you regularly spend 2+ hours on public transportation?
    The latter: why? Why? Seriously, why download random YouTube videos and keep them on your phone? Does this activity have _any_ point?
  • PeachNCream - Friday, June 8, 2018 - link

    Why not? My phone is my primary computing device to the point where if I didn't like to post the occasional stupid video to YouTube (which requires somewhat more capable video editing software than is currently available to Android) and need something to sit between the phone and my backup HDD, I wouldn't even need my current home laptop. I only turn that dinosaur on once or twice every week or two so it can check the Linux repositories for updates unless I'm working on a video project and those go in spurts when I'm feeling creative. It only makes sense to keep all of my stuff stored on a phone that I use all the time. I'm pretty sure a 512GB mSD won't cost more than ~$350 anyway so it's basically going to be a spontaneous buying thing to get one.
  • damianrobertjones - Friday, June 8, 2018 - link

    400Gb has been available for awhile now.
  • PeachNCream - Friday, June 8, 2018 - link

    Yes, I've seen SanDisk had a 400GB card for sale and I admit I was considering buying one, but I still have about 31GB of free space on my 256GB card so it wasn't urgent just yet. The fact that I get an extra 100+GB of storage space with a 512GB card makes me happy that I held off. I can probably last another year or so before I start doing the potty dance about needing a 1TB card.
  • damianrobertjones - Friday, June 8, 2018 - link

    Looks like sales of the other card sizes has fallen... "Quick release the next one in the line of releases!"
    "How should we price this?"
    "Stupidly expensive!"
    "Right oh"
  • nandnandnand - Saturday, June 9, 2018 - link

    We are getting very close to running up against the 2 TB limit for the SD standard, which applies to both full sized SD and microSD cards (SD is up to 1 TB already). When will that limit be raised by the SD Association?

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